Coaches' Corner

Life, Leadership & Connection Coach | Alyssa Poggioli

Written by TFOCB Studios | Oct 19, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Alyssa Poggioli is a certified Life Coach passionate about helping others truly live their most authentic lives. After spending ten years managing corporate fitness centers, Alyssa noticed a common element in all the conversations she was having with her clients.  

Most of us can probably attest to feeling, at times, like we’re stuck on a hamster wheel. Maybe the stresses of work inspire us to join gyms to work out our frustrations or maybe we take out that stress in other ways like eating or alcohol.

“People in middle management and up had this underlying lack of support, feeling resentful, lonely, under-supported and really just wanting to focus on the physical element of who they are.

They would come down and bust ass on the treadmill and in classes but then they would still feel this lack of connection and being overwhelmed with how they felt with their life. So my original intention in becoming certified as a coach was to bring it within the organizations that I was already managing.”

Much of the underlying issues, she noticed, came from a lack of intention. People weren’t connecting or recognizing their core values. She explains how in any coaching practice, the first step is helping someone get clear on what it is they actually want. 

“Who are you being? What's working, what's not working? What do you want? And then getting clear and solidifying what those values are.”

It’s common for us as human beings to go through life on autopilot not paying much attention to the things we say or do and if those are truly aligning to what we deem to be our core values. As Alyssa puts it, “It's really about the ability to be able to connect to yourself, be aware of and take ownership of what you are thinking.”

A big tell on how you’re living your life is your ability to be playful.

“Children up until the age of three are beautiful because they only can live from a space of intuition and exploration and innocence.” 

If any of this resonates with you and sounds familiar, Alyssa may be able to help get you on the track to living your best, most authentic life. The most important thing to understand when thinking about coaching, as she puts it, is “if you're not willing to get help. How can you expect someone to help you?”

Tune into this episode of the Coaches Corner podcast to hear more about Alyssa’s approach to coaching and her advice on being more mindful in your life.