Cory Morris | Executive Chef at Beatrix and Lettuce Entertain You

Posted by TFOCB Studios on May 2, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Cory Morris's journey in the culinary world is one marked by both success and failure. He reflects on his experience as a young chef, recounting a humbling moment where he was turned down for a job at Tru, a two-star Michelin restaurant in Chicago. 

devHour | Guest Episode | Cory Morris
Despite this rejection, Cory persevered and eventually landed a job at Tizi Melloul, where he was able to learn from more experienced chefs and network within the industry. 

Cory's time as an executive chef at Zion National Park at just 21 years old also proved to be a lesson in humility. He admits to having an inflated ego at the time, thinking he was better than he actually was. 

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It was his mentor, Jose Garces, who helped him realize the importance of constantly learning and improving in the culinary world. 

Through his experiences, Cory has learned the value of resilience and determination in achieving success. He has also come to understand the importance of seeking out mentors and being open to learning from those around him. 

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These lessons have undoubtedly played a crucial role in Cory's current role as the executive chef at Beatrix and Lettuce Entertain You, where he has been able to bring his unique culinary style to life. 

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Cory's story serves as a powerful reminder that even the most successful individuals face challenges and setbacks, and it is through facing these challenges head-on that we can ultimately achieve our goals.