Arianne Richards

Posted by TFOCB Studios on May 16, 2022 4:20:00 PM

On this episode of the Cultured Cannabis Podcast, we’re joined by Arianne Richards of Chicago Cannabis Concierge.

cultured cannabis episode cover [video] arianne richards

“I am a certified cannabis interpreter which basically is the science of evaluating cannabis flower through physical inspection and aroma. The prime reason for interpreting is to inspect the cannabis to make sure you're getting a good product.”

Arianne has loved cannabis for a long time. After doing work with youth and non-profits for years, she decided to take a different turn in her life, taking something she loves and turning it into a profession. 

Mind Reboot

She spent a while getting more educated on cannabis and getting involved with different expos, taking workshops, and networking in the space. 

“One of the most important things to me was to make sure that I aligned myself with organizations. I have the same thoughts and outlooks that I do, you know, especially with social justice.”

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A medicinal user herself, Arianne discusses what it was like for her to have easy access to medicinal cannabis when she lived in California for a few years versus moving back to Chicago and finding it much more difficult to be treated. She talks about how there are so many reasons people need cannabis to help them through whatever ailments or conditions they’re dealing with from mental to physical health. 

“It's funny because I've always used it recreationally, you know, but realizing that this is actual medicine and that it actually keeps me from being anxious if I'm feeling anxious is mind blowing.”

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Listen in to this special inaugural episode of the Cultured Cannabis Podcast to hear more about the process Arianne uses to inspect flower, how she determines what makes the cut, how cannabis is truly helping people, and much more.